I meant to feature This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone in January, but writing life was busy. But I can’t neglect this unique and fascinating book. The book uses a dual first-person POV, along with letters that the characters write one another. The style can be a bit jarring at first, but I found that once I settled into it, it worked for the story. The characters of Red and Blue are the real heart of this story, and we follow them through time and their sci-fi world, seeing everything through their eyes and learning along with them. The relationship between the two is utterly charming, as well as poignant and beautiful. The quirky humor and inventive plot make this a book you could read multiple times, looking for details you missed the first time around. The book is short, but packs so much into that space.
Buy a copy here.
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